into the light

Monday, August 29, 2011


**For the hits that keep coming on the entry 'To the Girl that thinks she is an exception." If you are trying to make a point, as in "look, we are still here..":

No, she's not the exception, Don Ron Juan...You will show your colors again, you have a proven track record. For me it was 6 months, but her? Maybe 7, 8,9..who knows. That was not a set time line or a expiration date ..I have no idea when you started cheating on D. I believe it is when you feel boredom stinking in, routine. Sooner or later all relationships reach that point, and it's your trigger. Besides, how would she know if you are not already yacking it up with some chick on line, or on your phone? I am sure you have set up preventative measures, and neither of you instills trust due to your own histories.

Question: If saying " I love you" comes so easily when you don't mean it, then how will she ever know if you really do? You've said it before and you didn't. To quite a few women. You left out part of it.."I love you..until I find someone better." might remain faithful for your self allotted time for another reason... Could it be that you feel this way because the tables could be turned on you for a change? Because maybe for once you have someone who might dump you, instead of you moving on to take care of your itch? She has a record too, and YOU are not getting any younger. Wouldn't that be ironic..(LMAO!) Someone who promises that age does not mean anything to them..and they leave out the words "for now." Sounds so freaking familiar..heard it before somewhere.

You are on your best behavior because you were called out and have something to prove, that is your style. It does not mean that this one will work, only that you want to show someone else that this time is different. Unless you have had a personality improvement ( at your age? ? your pattern is set Bud) it is only a matter of time. And, let's not forget, she is your planned future nurse in waiting, her duties await your failing years. Wonder if she knows she will be doing diapers again after the kids are gone..hmmm? That meanness you must now be carefully hiding will be reborn and better than ever. It will be an eye opener to her, and a swift kick of reality. You have masterfully played your hand, that poor simple kid will wake up to her next 20 years spent as a caretaker to a mean old man. (* that is who you really are.*)

Boredom is your greatest enemy and your closest adviser.
So Ridiculous.
