into the light

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I've about had it

I've about had as much crappy news as I can take for a while, so I am closing shop on the blog  till the time is right to come back.  Nothing posted here, while I am in this particular head space would be productive for me, or entertaining to anyone except the 2 turkey buzzards come to cackle over the wreck of me, or maybe get some choice tidbits to chew on while they share their laughter. Sorry to disappoint the buzzards, go look for some other road kill for a snack,  I've been hit so many times there is nothing left to scrape up. I hope, whether you intended it to happen or not, that some of what you read  here sunk in.

And to those who do care and read this blog to share good advice..hang on..I still need it, and it is always appreciated.  I send you hugs.

And a small prayer to God,

  Dear God, whatever wrongs I have done in this life, or my last, I ask forgiveness. Please stop the rain of personal failure I have been under since January.  Please allow me to start over. Give me the strength I will need to effectively deal with my problems.  I know that I have made mistakes. Thank you.  A little help would be a blessing.

Pick another one...LMAO! What a goober.
This is from a year ago. A lot happens in a year.