into the light

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

empty pockets and a box of tissues

It's pretty sad when you have to cancel a Doctor appointment because you cannot afford the co-pay. And no, I did not schedule an appointment because of this flu/cold, it had been scheduled months ago. I am not that much of a weenie..I have never gone to the doctor for cold or flu before unless it hangs around too damn long or bronchitis sets in. It's also humiliating to tell them you cannot afford to come in.

I find it ironic that we work to have insurance, get fined if we don't have it, and cannot afford to use it when we are sick because the deductible is too high. Whatever happened to affordable health care? I miss my old HMO.

At work they took out all the junk food from the cafeteria so that the company could get a break on insurance costs, charged us more for the food, and then they raised the cost of our coverage. So now you cannot have anything tasty to eat and you have to pay more for everything. No freedom of choice to decide if you want to eat healthy or not. Then there are friends of mine who elected no coverage because they could not afford to have their pay lower. It's a screwed up world, Seriously. And why did most of the U.S. fear socialized medicine? Seems to me when your choices are taken away it smacks of another kind of "..ism."

I guess you just don't get sick. Too bad we don't have much choice in the matter.

* And speaking of "isms" here I sit and wait for the second apartment inspection in a two week period. They could not combine the two of them? It's a way for the landlord to get a peek at your place. Not that I have anything to be concerned about, Mr Fuzzy Butt being the only one who makes any mess here, but it is an invasion of privacy compounded by having 2 of them in less than a week. I have friends in other apartments that have it worse..they actually do come in and see how clean your place is. Is this just West Virginia hospitality or what?