into the light

Sunday, May 22, 2011

warning: author has the flu

Flu symptoms started small and irritating and have grown substantially as the day progressives.  The sore throat invited it's friends body aches and head ache to come have a party in me. I never sleep during the day normally unless I am sick...just woke up after a two hour nap. So..I am downing juice and taking tylenol/advil  and hoping for the best. It has been a very long while since I was last ill, surprising since I work amongst the thousands who come to the casino to share their germs.  I guess my luck ran out.

good day all..hanging the closed sign on the door...

*day 2--still feeling like poop. Argh. Back and forth to bed.

*day 3--about to begin. I feel guilty for not being able to work, years of conditioning
make that so.  Would I have been able to function? Not likely..probably fallen asleep on my post and felt miserably gross.
Watched "The Bucket List" and am left pondering if I will ever be able do some of things I dream of before I pass on, but that is an entry for another day. Not long till it's bedtime ...again.