into the light

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Road Trip

Summer time,
windows down, tires humming on a black top road
soaked in waves of heat.
Wind catches the sheen of moisture, that slow slip
of sweat.
One hand on the wheel, the other
resting on the door, getting a 'drivers tan.'
Miles speed by, farmland slowly yielding to
the flat ground and Loblolly pines of the coastal lands

Deep breath in, grasping for the hint of salt water ahead.
Hazy heat filled sky with puffs of determined clouds
gathering closer to host a storm in late afternoon.

Road signs that lead the way, not long now.
Passing local fruit and vegetable stands, crabs for sale.

The road rolls past tourist traps filled with plastic treasures
and "i was here!" t-shirts.  Rafts lean against the outside walls,
tied down to prevent a windy escape.
Sandy shoulders frame the road, tough grasses reaching up, 
and the cries of gulls fighting over parking lot leftovers.

Sitting at a stop light waiting for green, watching
all manner of people walking along sidewalks. 
Some perfection, to put on a show, ( some in black
socks and sandals and a gaudy flowered shirt.)
Kids with ice cream smeared faces. 
Slowly walking along some pale, some tanned, some suffering
the choice of too much sunshine.

The light changes, traffic creeping forward.
Ahead, between the seaside rentals you can
catch a glimpse of blue water and sand.

Turning into the first open spot you see; flattening 
yourself against the door as cars pass by, then dashing across the street.
Up a sandy hill, hopping on one foot as you pull off one of your shoes, then the
Impatient long strides to top the sliding sandy hill,
reaching the crest and stopping....

There is the restless endless blue, rolling in to curl and foam
against the wet sand.
You stand drinking in the salty air, the sound of waves crashing,
and the sight of those at waters edge.
Children running and skipping through the foam;
lovers holding hands and jumping over incoming waves together;
golden aged seniors getting their toes wet while holding onto 
big floppy hats.

Beginning your trek over hot sand, avoiding blankets, towels and coolers,
reaching the water's edge while one wave pulls back, and another rushes in, racing over your toes, and splashing your legs.
The undertow pulls at you, inviting a tumble to wet sand...
you turn and walk the shore line ...smiling.