into the light

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Despite everything

Despite the hurt and betrayal, I do wish you well.
There were some wonderful times we shared in our time together.
Though I wish we had continued our journey together,
I cannot change the way things happened, or
what you wanted for your life.
I hope you don't come to realize that the
40 something blues don't really change anything,
they just lead you on a tangent that ends up back
where you started.
It's strange that everyone must discover this on their own.
No matter where life leads you, I will,..despite everything
that has happened,
still offer you the hand of friendship.
I may not be your romantic fantasy,
but I have always been your friend.
And I hope that you will not discount that..everyone needs friends in
their life. Especially ones that know you well.

I don't want to know the details of your romantic
entanglements..I never want to go there..that part
of me is still a mess.
No matter how you have treated me, I still hold you in my heart,
as a very big part of what was once my life.
If you need someone to talk to, who won't tell you pretty lies..
here I am.
If you feel lonely and want company..there is always Denny's or a movie.
I know that my place in your life is over..but everyone needs friends.
Even friends saved me from some scary chit..that I was going through.
They can be your salvation, a good sounding block, and company that
just makes you feel good inside.
If you need that..I can and will be there.
If you won't say it, I will...
Be happy..this is what you wanted.
I hope the path you chose will bring you what you need.

Over two years have passed. I am no longer feeling sappy, and
have pulled back the hand of friendship. I might have been naive and
trusting, but no more. You've done most of the taking when I thought
we were a couple and I paid for our survival.
One thing I know, someday you will have to atone. Not a good idea to end up at the pearly gates
and hope a lie will surpass.