into the light

Monday, March 28, 2011

a wish for sincerity

A farewell quietly mentioned,
a silence that stretched;
an apology not really offered, just stating it was too late to offer one.
Too late by several months,
to late, after you decided I was
not worthy of you anymore;
someone else was of greater importance
then someone who loved you for so long.
Not a wish for good luck,
a departure that felt like a stranger gave it,
not a note worthy sincere wish for happiness.
Nine years, and I won't even be missed.
So much for how much I touched his life.
Coldness, no true remorse...still.
After all that has passed
I just had wished for some sincerity,
not another practiced lie
that was meant for nothing else
but to show that I mean nothing.
Perhaps it is best that I stop
wishing for the truth to pass
his lips,
It remains a wasted wish.
So much for sincerity.