into the light

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why I am back...a rant overcame me..

I have decided that any blog postings that have to deal with dating, men, ethics, morality, and general negative vibes..belong here. So, I will come back and post here when the mood strikes me.
Today's rant? Morality...and who are these people who have no sense of right and wrong?

I have mentioned signing up for dating sites, cancelled one, and still have one open. I have not really pursued the need to date, because frankly I feel too jaded right now. Case in point the person this blog was built around, and today on the dating site, a married man looking to cheat. I have sworn no matter how attractive or interesting someone appears, I won't go there again. So, if that means I remain single, so be it. I find myself holding back bitter words when I hear from one of these "wanna-be-cheaters."

They always have a suitcase bulging with reasons..she does not understand me, I am unhappy, we stay together for the kids, we are goes on. IF they are "unhappy" cheating will not fix anything, it is usually rooted in something far deeper. If I could jab with my responses as with a sword, they would have wounded asses after I finished chasing after them and poking, with a huge grin of satisfaction on my face. (I'd like to see them explain those marks later.)

It is not only men, but I am talking from my own experience. Obviously, the one that took part in my removal from my home, was also cheating, with a partner, and had children by him. Takes a special 'mom' to do this. Care much about what it teaches their children when Mommy cheats on Daddy? Yeah. Continue the lessons on how to not be a good person. See how your children turn out later as teens and adults. Pat yourself on the back for doing a shitty job.

So when people whine about how no one today has respect for one another, or courtesy, or lack of all boils down to selfishness. What is in it for me? Why can I not have what I want, and keep my other life? Living right means making sacrifices sometimes. Not always getting what you want, but having a blessed life anyway. I've had it with the 'Takers' of this world. The next one I happen to run into better start backing away right now, I now have sharp teeth and angry words meant to slay cheaters.

grrr...yeah..I am what? bite me.