into the light

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Short update

It seems that the casino is moving ahead with my promotion to dual rate, even though the Lottery paperwork is not yet completed.  I am due to begin grave shift early in June. I passed their background check and the assessment test.  I should be cheering but... the progress of the Lottery paperwork? where near done.  I have to be able to use a tax service to accurately do my taxes, so I have them to stand behind if they decide to audit me. That means I have to come up with $100 I don't have. Then I have to decide how I will pay those tax bills...hahahahah!...oops....hysterical laughter, sorry.... I have to contact every creditor and let them know I am not able to pay them, then decide how to handle it, meaning bankruptcy..which costs approximately $1700 to file. more laughter here. The Lottery will require a class in credit. The problem is, I won't have sufficient funds to make any sort of payment regularly, even if I do decide to give up eating. Who needs food or electric anyway.

So, where do I go from here?

I truly wish I knew.
*somewhere in the kingdom of the truly hopeless there is a cardboard box with my name on it, it might be more comfortable then the car.   I think Gilly would not be happy with the new digs, they keep getting smaller.

**If you are reading this to gloat, or get a laugh at my expense...what did I ever do to you but love you? How nice to have my life ruined for loving the wrong person.  I hope it makes you feel like a BIG man., superior to myself and  the rest of  the world. Yeah for you.