into the light

Sunday, May 22, 2011

eek! Damn I am rusty

Started my foray into dating..I am almost feels weird talking to some strange man. Like I am doing something wrong.  I am so confused still. My brain says go, my heart says stop...and the rest of me does not know which way to go...I am f'd up. Yeah me. I am nervous...yep, that's it.

Update: it's really not happening too quickly, so no news. Had at least 6 responses to posting at the dating site, but for one reason or another, none have worked. Ha!, one was from a guy I work with, and though he is a nice person, he is a little on the slow side. He did not connect my face on the site, with my face at work. (I pretty much look the same).  One wanted to meet me for coffee at 4:30 am..umm.. hell no. So as you can see, little to nothing to be excited about at this point.  I have been told by a few that my profile is fresh and different from the usual " I love to walk on the's so romantic, " or " my kids are everything to me."  One guy wanted to know how a divorced woman could be a stay at home mom, and post on the site.
It takes all kinds to make the world go round.

Update 5/26:
  Nuthin, and zilch...I think I might be way too honest for dating sites. When asked to meet I proceed to ask them to email first, and advise that I do have things I am currently working through. It is a date killer.  Maybe once I make some headway into my own problems I can move forward with meeting someone timing is off right now. And still, the whole meeting someone online seems forced. It might be that I will not ever be ready to date. Right now, I really don't care.

The end: 5/29/11
I'm passing on the whole dating thing. I have not even attempted an approach to chat, I really don't want to. Right now my focus is on serious matters that I cannot get started on without a car. I've had people tell me with my luck maybe I should go the 'other' way and date I have never been sexually attracted to a member of my own gender. With my luck that person would clean out my closet, steal my cat, and take my car. Ha. See? I am having trouble with trust..big time. Before I trusted too easily, and now I have none at all.  My self esteem has hit rock bottom as well. I cannot even see myself as desirable to someone else. Too much hurt has had an effect, that I hope is not lasting, but have no way of knowing right now. I wonder if he is filled with glee and gets pleasure from the damage he has wrought to me...I really wonder.