into the light

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Realization about You....RON

Had a wonderful day at the DMV. Seems I cannot even register my car now.  Thank you Ron, for taking someone who did nothing but love you for 9 years, and destroying me.  You took my home. You took my heart. You took my kids. And now you have in every sense, buried me financially.  I cannot come close to paying what I owe now. And why do I owe? You.

My love for you caused me to over extend myself financially. Why? Because I loved you and I wanted US to make it.  I tore through my 401 K to pay your back taxes and keep you out of trouble after your paychecks were garnished by child services.  I used credit cards to pay for your car repairs and speeding tickets. Every time an appliance broke down, I paid for it. Need things for the yard at the house we both lived in?  I paid for it.  And now..I am paying for loving you.

 I will never be able to crawl out of this debt.  I am destined to live hand to mouth  for what is left of the rest of my life. Did you plan this?  Was it your intention to use me until I had nothing left?  Because that is what it looks like.  As soon as I was at my limit you dumped me.  I don't believe for a second that you fell out of love. I believe that you no longer had need of my services.

There is a special place waiting for you. One that accepts users and players and sets them to suffering the pain that they themselves caused. You have done something horrible to someone who's only crime was loving you.  As far as I am concerned, not a woman in the world would be safe with you. You owe me an apology.  A huge one.  And I don't think you are man enough to do it. I think you will hide. Hide behind your so called new love. The one that cheated on her significant other, the father of her children. . Another person, who takes, just like you.

What do I hope for? Just being able to pay my bills and start over after your planned destruction.  What will really happen?  I am going to end up on the street. If my checks are garnished I will have no other option.   My only question is why??  Why did you feel you had the right to do this to me? What did I ever do to you to even come close to a reason?  You don't have one, because I am innocent.  What does that make you?  I wonder if you even care. So, when you dance the " I am not selfish dance",  not self are kidding yourself.

I really liked your Father. He was a good man to the core, and he liked me.   Wonder what he would be thinking about you right now.  Proud?  Very doubtful.