into the light

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Enough time spent mourning my loss.
Enough time lost wondering what I could have done differently.
Enough time spent wondering why You had to be so cruel.
Enough time served dwelling on pain and betrayal.
Enough time gone remembering years lost forever.
Enough pain felt by me.
Now I know that you gave up forever for today.
Our first meeting was joining of our souls
after a journey through life to find each other.
The Soul mates we were meant to be, shredded for ambitious lust.
Enough years spent trying to be what you needed.
Now packing the dirt over the grave that was us.
Laying flowers and saying a few prayers.

Leaving sad ghosts of who we were
lingering alone.
Unfulfilled destiny.
Unseen, and not felt by You.
they will always be there shadowing our lives.

Maybe in our next lives it will be different.
Turning my face to the sun, and walking away.