into the light

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take Off..

So..there I was...
Tossed out
to crawl out of the damage you wrought
with your mid life "oh my God" crisis,
and start over again.

When it happened it was a shock, a blow
I did not think I would recover from,
But I am.

For such a long time you
held my love and life in your care.
But you abused those gifts,
took them for granted,
ignored them,
and finally, did not want them anymore.
They were not enough.,
and why?
because You, and only You, stopped believing.
That and the itch in your pants that you believe is love..took over.

Now, instead of love, or even friendship
you choose to bully,
thump your chest...

(Like you can manipulate to get a victory of some sort.)

When I don't respond as You wish...or  I stand up for myself and fight back. (oh no she didn't!)
it pisses you off.
You must be mistaken and think  that You still matter..
This is me of now...not the me under your tender lying care.

You gave up the power you had over
My heart and My life,
it is not Yours anymore to
abuse at your whim.

I have a new Life beginning,
one where you are Not the
center of my anything.

I know that time will
help to erase
the lost love I gave to You;
replacing memories,
that only I seemed to care about,
(and I don't believe you really ever did)
with new ones.

A new life.
And I welcome back  the real me.
Spirit whole..backbone straight,
sense of self worth..very good... 'check'
moxy in place...'check'...
humor returned....'starting countdown...'
confidence has returned...
enjoying each day...
smiling back at life...
All systems are Go for Take Off.
And there She goes.
What a sight to behold.

Tonight's song:

"I am already gone...
and I'm feeling strong..
I will sing..this victory song..
Because I am already gone."...The Eagles.