into the light

Sunday, April 3, 2011

To thine ownself be False

Practiced lies
one upon the other..
till you have a mountain of bullshit
so high you cannot dig out of it, or
circumvent around.

Wasting a life;
doomed to repeating your pattern
of failure you always blame on someone else.
(those from your past  and surely more to come)

You  whine that life has cheated you,
that you won't amount to anything, it's not fair..
and it's too late..God has forsaken me...what have I achieved??   

You might want to stop your lies to yourself and others
long enough to realize that they are complete bullshit.
A life does not have to be some glorious
moment that the world celebrates because
You did something wonderful, and they are all
amazed at your brilliance.

It is simply a life you can be proud of,
even if it is a quiet unassuming one.
That pride and the sense of achievement
comes from doing the 'right' things,
not the things born of envy, lust, lies,
or self indulgence.

Please..continue your journey..
maybe someone will feel pity and offer
you a shovel before you are crushed
from the weight of the crap you spout..
Keep trying to pretend to the world that
you are not a huge hypocrite.
You can talk the talk, but never walk the walk.

To thine own self be...false.