into the light

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No Need

No need to worry,
I've put my 'running after you shoes' away.
No need to think
that I am still so desperate I would bury my pride.
No need to presume
that I will be lost without you.( umm...No.)
No need to remind me,
I have past that point..please pay attention.
No need to believe
that you are a prize that I must retain.
No need to fret,
I am not an obstacle in your path any longer.
No need to hold onto
the thought that you are irreplaceable,
because you will be replaced.

No need to wake up,
you will repeat these years again with someone new.
No need to see your own pattern
of cyclical  boredom and meaningless affairs.
No need to understand
that faithfulness is a good character trait.
No need to stop repeating your mantra of I love you's,
your newest will go the way the rest of us have
once her newness has worn off.
No need to stop imagining yourself in love once again,
time will tell the truth of it.
No need to think
that no one 'gets' what life is about but you.
No need to expect
that I will suddenly revert back to the person
I was with you.
I have found me again.
I can see that I am
a woman of character and will be true to myself.
Pretty Awesome...(to borrow someone else's favorite phrase)

No need to understand that maturity
is a gift.
We get older, no less beautiful,
just in a different way.
No need to see
that Youth is over rated.
Who we have grown to be, is what cannot be found in
someone of less years.
The young  have many miles to travel;
Growing up to do, changes to make, and pain and love to deal with
before they can come close to reaching that same point.
No need to think I am waiting
to see that in you.
The ticket was purchased, but you got lost on the way
to meet that train.
Too busy trying to stay young by jumping
from  one 'in love with' person to the next,
and missing the beauty of a love that was fully grown.
No need to think it will be waiting for you.
It got back on the train that goes forward and not reverse.