into the light

Thursday, March 24, 2011

full steam ahead

Full speed ahead towards leaving here now in just a few more days. I will be glad when the move is over. A very nice lady who is a co-worker and a friend will allow me to store the dining room at her place until I can get a buyer. Mel and I are off and running to gather my new smile and run errands, and visit the dump. (not sure if my car will hold all the trash) Then its back to FB for her, and home to crash for me.

It's been quite a weekend. I could not have made it without you for your support Mel. You are a fantastic lady and a very dear friend. My friends have been wonderful to me, and I'd like to thank them all. For patiently helping  me during what has been the hardest  time in my life to date. I hope that I will never experience  hurt like this again in my lifetime. Thank you for enduring my one track life as kindly as you did, with support and honesty, things I really needed.

It felt so good last week to go to work feeling upbeat for the first time in months.
Laughing..I know you must have all breathed a sigh of relief. I truly felt the difference, and I hope that every day will just get  a little closer to finding myself again. It was like being inside an endless cloud, feeling lost....then seeing the sun shine through, beams that softly touch the earth. I am so grateful that I stayed here for this. And my strength came from my friends, and my Father, I love you Dad.

And I am grateful to have found laughter was so very missed. I never thought I would have it again for a while. These first steps, haha..I almost feel like a baby toddling through it all. It will truly be a discovery these next months to finding the me that stands alone, without  a partner for the first time in a long while. I had it so briefly before, almost a year, I don't know why I did not keep it  longer. Maybe then I would have been more independent and not so quick to let my heart take over. I needed family badly, stayed for a short while, then moved in with him.
Needs I guess I had at that time, maybe this time  maturity and strength and joy will be my guides. I certainly hope so.  Keep an eye on me

May this weekend  quickly pass, work keeping me busy. Tuesday is on it's way.
good night,