into the light

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Honor- or lack of it

Originally created on 3/24/ my time was running out, and snide cruelty surrounded me. I thought of self-deception, and later saved it as a draft that I had not returned to. Going through my work, in search of poetry for my other blog, I chanced upon this and felt it to still be true. I know it will be ignored, but since it was and is how I still feel about Honor, it is worthy of being published, even if months later.

Honor : honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.

I was going to say something snide here, but instead I believe I will clarify a disbelief that someone has about them-self. All the quotes about being happy, or finding love, or doing anything you need to in order to bring about your own personal satisfaction, brought an idea that does have merit for me.

If you would do 'anything' to bring your own self happiness, regardless of the consequences, or think happy can be won by destroying those around you, then you lose sight of something that all people need to have within, Honor.

If you falsely believe that you have honor while hurting people for your own needs, you'd be wrong. There is nothing 'honorable' in what you put me through. And I am sure, nothing honorable in what you did to your ex, and likely will do to the present partner in the future.

As far as 'she' is concerned, she is just as dishonorable for cheating on her spouse or significant other. The two of you have a singular lack of honor. You may deceive yourselves and those you come in contact with, but it will still be a lie. I could also define 'Integrity", Merriam Webster quotation.

Definition of INTEGRITY

: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
: an unimpaired condition : soundness
: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness

Morality, incorruptible, sound and complete. Hmmm..sorry...I don't believe that could be said of the two of you. Integrity steps up to Honor, shoulder to shoulder, facing you and calling you out.

I'm stopping here. Might be a good idea. This won't be posted till a future date.