into the light

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

what a long day

Way too tired to make much sense, long day at work, starting with little sleep. I started strong, waxed towards sad ( DAMN LOVE SONGS!!!) then ended with a rose, and a gentle warm hug. I work with some awesome people, especially since I have been on and off water works for several weeks now.  No one expects you to be perfect, they understand life's trials, having been there themselves. Sometimes a mindless chore, or a very busy day takes your mind off your troubles. Today was too much on the slow side for me, the post at the Valentine's dinner a bit more than I could take. Not a racking boo-hoo session, just a memory of better days that I don't know were real or not. 

Better times..that's my problem...too many good times gone by, and not enough good times to take their place. How to fix that? Not sure. And I don't want to hear bullshit like 'time heals all wounds', because some wounds( deep and viciously stabbed) are hard to close.  There are plenty of days when it all seems like a very bad nightmare I might wake up from. Other days..the nightmare is still with me.  So I need new memories. I need to reinforce in my mind how I saw things with my rosy glasses, and not the truth..too many lies for those days to be as good as they seemed. I still wonder just how many of those years I was being duped. Were any of the feelings shared real? Or just something I really wanted to be real, and just felt by me, never him.  Still seems so incredibly cold and cruel, the planning, the act, the life I now live.  An outsider in a home I once thought was mine, no one happy to see me at the end of a work day.  Alien, surreal life that is now mine..where work feels more like home, then home does. It's half a life, not whole. That is where I am now. Feeling like there is no 'home' anymore. I am the outsider..I am homeless in my heart. Everyone needs somewhere to really come home to.  Not a roof, a bed, a chair...a feeling of belonging and welcome, to be there when you are done for the day. And for me..He 'was' home, but is  Not anymore.