into the light

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mondays suck

Usually I don't mind Mondays, they are actually my Friday, and weekends at the casino kick my butt. ( kicks everyone's butt really). But I do resent that when I am so tired I get woken up each Monday for someones field trip to Hagerstown.  Park your frigging car outside, and skip opening the garage door. I don't get enough sleep as it is with my insomnia, and 4 hours at the end of my week really Sucks.  I don't care if you "Get your groove on" with the skank, just don't wake me up to do it. I'm over  caring what you do, just be courteous to other sleepers.

Oh and Happy Venereal Disease Better make an appointment before it falls off. The vitamins won't kill that, or make it grow.