into the light

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why excuses stink

First let me say, that although this does go hand in hand with the "ex" and his reasoning's, it is not solely directed at him. I've had a few occasions recently to see he is not exclusive in his preferred method of dealing with his own mistakes, there are others that do it as well. One from a source that I had not expected if from, and so it was very disappointing to find out the they also share the asshole and excuses method of living with their own mistakes. ( assholes and excuses..ya know, everyone has one and they all stink.)

It is far easier to blame another for what we have done wrong then to accept that failing in ourselves. It shoves the wrongness onto someone else, casting aside any error that we ourselves might have done, leaving the person who started the ball rolling sitting and pretending that they are guiltless, and their victim (essentially) is the one who is at fault. The old "I did this because you did that!" excuse. It's even better when what they were supposed to have done to start it all is totally made up. It's an after the fact reasoning, created by the one who really did wrong.

My all time favorite? "I did all these things because..because..ummm..You were negative! Yeah, that's it!" How utterly convenient for the person who did wrong..what a brilliant excuse. They pulled out their ladder and climbed onto their pedestal, standing with their arms crossed and puffing out their chests, looking down on the so called culprit. See? I am so much better than they are, and that excuses anything I have done. Does it matter that the negativity actually came from the other person's reaction to being crapped on by the one who just climbed up the ladder? No. That is just something the actual wrong-doer has made up, a handy excuse because it can at times make the one who is actually innocent feel like they are guilty. That is why it's so perfect.

These folks (the excusers) are the world's best bullshitters. They play a role that once created they ride till the end. Holier than Thou? Oh yeah. They are practically their own Public Relations team, hiding behind quotes that are supposed to show everyone else how smart and fortunate They are to be Themselves. ( athough I think liars that hide behind God are really asking for a lighting bolt up their rear ends.) Think about it..if anyone really knows that they are lying all the time it would be God, All Knowing, All Seeing, etc. To be that blatantly blasphemous? I shudder..and presume that they will get what they deserve in the end..LMAO! In the end, get it? Sigh..never mind.

What really gets me is that they lie to themselves as well, and start believing their own BS. "I am so Happy!! Because I am me! Yeah!!! Everyone else is so darn unworthy..because I am Me!!"
So, in a sense, their lies become their lives. No one lives in Happy land all the time, humans are not built that way, unless they are taking a happy pill, or have a brain disorder. We all ride the roller-coaster of life, with it's ups and down, twists, and ya gotta love the being upside down turns at 55 miles per hour. What is that old saying? " Into every life a little rain must fall."

***I'd prefer that the rain that falls in my life Not Be the result of another's lies and selfish whims, directly or indirectly.***

So I call them out. Why not? Someone should. If they cannot tell that the lie they are shouting is really a lie, then someone should, before they start to believe it themselves. Why? Because I was once the fly trapped in the web of a very good liar. He made me believe that it was me, when in fact it never was. It was a stinky excuse for doing something he knew was wrong. And because I am pretty much a nice person, I stopped to consider what he said and felt guilty. It was not till later that I realized that he had found his perfect excuse. That the 'negativity' arrived ( if there at all, which I still don't believe it ever was) after his actions brought it to be. A nice neat package of bullshit, a head game played well.

Before you start a ride of lies that become your life, take a moment and think about it. Honesty is sometimes painful, but it leaves you clean inside, and whole. To admit that you have done something wrong does not take away from you, it helps you grow. It is not a sign of weakness, but one of strength. It is an admission that we are all human, and not perfect. In the end you will be the better person for telling the truth then you will ever be for telling and living a lie.
