into the light

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Scared but thankful.

There have been a few times in my life that I have had serious health issues. Nothing that was acute, and I generally placed it on the back burner only to find out later that it was something serious. Nowadays, other than the flu I had last week, I am generally healthy. I get the usual aches and pains of a 50 year old body, and I deal with it, pop an advil and move on. Today, I had been getting weird, and am still getting weird, signals from my body. I'd like to say I was reading them and understanding them, but I am not a doctor.

After being awake for an hour or so today, it registered in my mind " what is this new feeling, and I don't like it." It was on my mind all day, my body knocking on my brain every now and then saying " hello? we are out of whack, why are you ignoring us?" I went out with Julie, ran some errands with her being my friendship taxi, and we stopped for a meal at a local Mexican eatery. Again, throughout her visit my body kept interrupting, it was starting to bother me, a lot.

Julie went home and I sat down at the computer for a chat with Mel. Just yacking, and the message was getting louder. I decided maybe PJ's would be a good idea, get comfortable.
Nope..and now the message was getting louder. Pain wrapped around my stomach and back, digging under my rib cage. I felt dizzy and cut off the chat abruptly to lay down. Moved to the floor and started to panic as well as gasp in pain. Good grief...the emergency room? attack? Melinda back. I could hardly speak to her.
I did agree to call Julie and get help. As soon as I hung up with Julie the porcelain God spoke to me "COME HERE! NOW!" and so..I prayed at the bowl, and gave up my lunch.

Now feeling better, I called Julie back..said no emergency room..thanked her, called mel and filled her in. And here I sit and wonder. Thinking that being alone sometimes really stinks. If I had lost consciousness, and had not been able to call either one of them..what would have happened? Gilly was concerned, he was right up at the edge of the bed meowing, but I doubt he would have called 911.

The pain is returning, I am sure this is going to be a long night. I have no idea what my body is trying to say to me this time around, but I am not caring for the tone it is using.
Mel says possible gallbladder, and I thought the same, or worse. After working in a cardiac unit for 15 years, I know that women present differently than men, and do not have the typical cardiac warning signs. We have a tendency to feel it abdominally or in our backs. No radiating pain in the jaw or arms, and we are frequently misdiagnosed because of it. ( if you want to know more about that, search online for Dr Elizabeth Ross, Washington Hospital Center and plug in cardiac for women, it will be there. I met her a few times, nice lady.)

Right now I am thinking, stop panicking, relax and go with the flow. (sorry, bad pun, lol)
If it happens again, then I know it is likely my gallbladder. Sigh...crap..crap..crap.
I had an entirely different blog that I was going to write tonight. Sorry.

But honestly? I was freaked out more about being alone and in so much pain, that all I could think about was not being able to get help. And you know what? I got it. Thanks to two wonderful and fantastic friends. I love you both. Thank you so much.

I still feel weird inside, I have a feeling that I will be again praying later. And I do not want to hear back from anyone with an an "old age blast..I am too young for a " Help! I've fallen and I can't get back up" necklace.

I love my days attention..that was SARCASM!