into the light

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trust and Truth

How would it feel to be in a relationship where neither party could trust the other?
You could never relax..always worry..why are they late?
What are they doing? Who are they talking to?
If they get mad at me, will they cheat?

I started my relationship without doubts.
The worrying started after the first couple of times
he started talking to someone else on line.
Why worry? Because that is how we met.
Was I cheating on someone at the time I met him?  No.
I believed everything that was told to me.
On the day we said " I love you" for the first time,
his wife called my mother.
So much for truth.

Even with that I still believed.
Why? Because I believed he really did love me.

So, if two people cheat on their significant others
and join together, knowing that each of them
did cheat to get where they could there be

How would they believe in each other?
Knowing that they cheated at least once to get what they wanted?
Also knowing that how easy it was for each of them  to lie?
Quality and strength of character..where is it?
Two people who have failed at truth, trusting each other?
I don't think so.
There would be a great deal of "I love you's"
but no true faith in each other.
It would not be possible.

Just something to think about.
Relationships started with lies, end with lies.
I know that from personal experience.