into the light

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Waiting for a Boomer!

It has been promising thunder storms for the last several days. I have seen some fantastic light shows, but all remain in the distance. I guess I should be grateful, they are calling for possible Tornadoes for at least half of the eastern part of the country. It's just that I have  pressure in my head..argh..I do have a barometer brain...would be nice to get some relief.  I keep popping Advil, and it helps for a while. I am  sending prayers to those that have been hit hard by the storms this past week.

Well, busier than my usual Wednesday, lol. Finally went through my files, separated out what was R's, trashed some, and filed the rest. Time to start my own budget page now. I had faithfully documented the budget since November 2007 when we first moved into Ford Circle.  I am not a lover of paperwork, well not mine anyway, but it had to be done. My poor file cabinet looks worse for the past several moves, sort of like an elephant perched on it. Time for a new one, but like other things, that will have to wait.

Went over and helped Julie plant her flowers and assorted vegetables and herbs. I owed her big time for her help over here, and you know me and dirt, I gotta play in it. Went to meet R and Raz at the vet. (Raz  has a hurt paw from a cat bite--wondering Pumpkin or Jasper?)  I begged a kidnapping for a week. I missed him so, he is very lovable. But the friendly reunion I had hoped for between Gilly and Raz has not yet happened. Gilligan, who has been Mr Lonely, hid away, then came out to growl. Not one growl from Raz, he is not feeling well, and I do think he remembered Gilly. I am hoping that Gil will get his memory back soon. I'd like more visits from Raz.

Had an amicable dinner with R, Chinese food, it's been awhile. No drama, just dinner. He seems to be doing well, I wished him luck on the new job search.  We commiserated about our dental work, and parted quickly once dinner was over. I thought we might at least have had a cigarette together, but I guess he was in a hurry to get home.

Back to work OT day. Have some cat doctoring to do tonight. Have a good night all.

Gilly the Snoozer