into the light

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Tail of My Week Ends

Borrowing a few quotes posted by a friend, that were found on Stumbled Upon. They give us something to think about. ( see the end of this entry) I did not select every one of them, only those I felt had something interesting to say.

It was just another typical week, tomorrow is my day off, and I have already started and finished some of my chores after work tonight. Gilly was grateful ( and of course had to use it) for a clean box. I swear, he must think that Mommy loves to sweep..he has to make more so I can do it again, lol.  He has always done this, inspection of the changing of the box.

Scene opens, woman in work uniform..sweeping the floor, with preparations set on the side for removal of waste...

"General Gilligan here! I say, I say..are you doing that right? Hop to it old girl...put more zip in the sweep! Hrumph!"
" Not that way, silly woman..and I say, would you PLEASE hurry..I have needs you know."

Upon completion, the general circles said box, checking for irregularities. Whiskers out, tail pointed up. Sharply turning his eyes smiling..

" Quite right! Good job and all. Now if you will excuse me..I have business to attend to. Move along, move along."
-Digging can be head..and litter tossed from the box. Woman laughs.

Yep, that is my Gilly..can always count on him to follow cleaning with messing.

No true plans for the two days off, except the usual chores and laundry. No extra cash, no extra spending. Working over time really does not make a huge difference, but I guess it is better than what it would be without. I am wondering if this will ever change with this job. I sure miss better pay checks.
Here are the quotes..have a good night everyone.

"it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it."

"you can do something in an instant that will give you a heartache for life."

" we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel."

"there are many ways of falling and staying in love."

"the people you care most about in life are taken from you to soon."

"I still have a lot to learn....." do I.