into the light

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's been a while..

Since I last  Tonight I am making an old creation of mine, which I am sure, some sweet Italian grandmother made long before me, but I threw it all together years ago and called it mine.
Porco, piselli, patata e pasta...or Pork, peas, potato and pasta. It's cooking now..lot's of leftovers this budget is getting tighter and tighter. Looks like the other things I need will have to wait a while. Plus, my O.T. this week got canceled due to the track being closed to Live racing. Every spring and fall they shut down for seasonal resurfacing.  Not hoping that someone calls out, but it would be nice..sigh. Will have to settle for a few hours after my shift if needed on Friday and Saturday night, makes for a long day.

My Wish List:
1.bathroom rugs..mine have been blanketed when someone washed a red blanket with them
plus they are not big enough for this bathroom floor.
2.knives..discovered tonight I have nothing decent to prepare with, I dared not take the knives from the house, they were his
3. Electric skillet..I miss my old one.
4. Love seat/sleeper..the big purchase.
5. Oh, and pay my wishful thinking.