into the light

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Truly Ourselves

Are we ever truly ourselves with
the someone we fall in love with?
Do we not adapt, and mold to please
or meet their expectations?
I know for a fact that strong
convictions fly out the door
when we want someone or something
bad enough.
When things we had a strong stand
against are slowly wheedled away;
all to keep that someone with us.
Is it just women? Or do men also
do this..a sort of self betrayal?
There was a time when I was
adamant and strong in my convictions,
and then I detoured because I fell in love.
I shoved those conviction so far under 
a carpet that you'd have to send in
a guide dog to find them.
Now, after love has been basically stolen away,
I am wondering what the hell happened to
my strong beliefs?
They would have saved me a great
deal of pain IF I had stood by them.
If I stayed the course and lived as I believed that I
should, my life in the last 9 years would
have been very different.
I lost myself in love.
Threw away what I believed for something
that turned out to not be real, because it felt so good 
to be "in love".
Momentary pain versus what I have been going through...

I really should not have buried them.
And it's going to take awhile before I can firmly establish them again.
If I have learned anything from my recent experiences
I hope that I never again compromise my personal
code to achieve something that bears only fleeting happiness.
You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else.
If you change who you are for that, then you will not succeed, 
and you will not be who you believe yourself to be.

If you are wondering what conviction I broke that I so strongly 
believed in...never date a married man. Geesh...I wish I had a time machine,
I really do.