into the light

Monday, March 14, 2011

house of cards

Starting with lies
ending with lies.
Nothing built on a foundation
of untruths and lies to yourself, or deception to others ,will
ever last.
No glorious beginning, no auspicious blast off..
instead collaboration, and deceit.
How could anything be considered 'good'
being born from that womb?
Doomed to fail, at the cost of all involved.
Death of one relationship to 
start another..but.. not her..
What a forever for
a minutes time in perspective.
A house of cards, built on wants of the moment.
Falling over and laying as dead once it topples.
Your 'wants' come the cost of you.
Bloody and fruitless.
Wondering why...she has not given up what she has..
You are being duped.
And you will ultimately pay for it.

have a good life..though I doubt that you will.
I'm finished bleeding, now it is your turn.
-Wondering why a 'Smart" person can make choices 
that will never work.-for a fairy tale you built in your thoughts.

I am now outside of your life.
No amount of bullying or coercion
can change that..for you shut that door
and locked me out.
I have stopped trying to get back in for quite awhile.
If you take away love, then you take away respect as well.
I will never have either for you again in this lifetime.

And, If I have no respect for you..why should what you think
matter to me?
I am tired of the power plays..and threats.

I did not start this, you both did.
All I want is forget
that I ever thought you a good person
or worthy of my gift of love.
For You have proven you are neither.
And I have already left, despite 
my physical circumstance.

When you see me, you see a ghost.
When I see you..I see a false person
who lies to everyone, but especially
to your self.
Nothing you have gained is good.
But keep up your mantra. 
I am sure you can convince yourself
since you already have.
I am grateful to begin again without you.