into the light

Monday, March 21, 2011

Coming Closer to a Conclusion

If you have been following this blog you have seen the ups and huge downs of being dumped by someone you loved for 9 years.  We were best friends, and I never expected a best friend of mine to ever treat me as he has and did. In November 2010, on my birthday, he proposed to me, a dream I had been waiting for. In December 2010 he was already talking to another woman, and together they planned the end of my relationship to Ron. On January 14, the Walmart, he officially dumped me, having already slept with, and dated the other woman/girl.

I have have been on a roller coaster ride of tears, anger and recovery since that time. A dear friend has been helping work through my issues, and though I will likely never find trust easily again, I am better than I was in the first 2 months following the murder of my dreams. I have lost my home, because he wants me out in order to screw whomever he pleases whenever he wants. I seriously do not believe that he will keep the happy ride he is on, because he has issues as well.
 And if I needed a reminder...she calls him Daddy, and he calls her Baby girl...really, truly, a sick as hell new relationship, a father-daughter sex game they play together. It's like discovering that your partner is someone you did not know, and will never know. Hell, I used to defend the man to those who made accusations about him.  I still feel that both of them have some truly bad karma coming for what they have done together. If she is that young, I pity her parents, or her spouse..she is obviously only available to him between the hours of 9-5 when someone else is not at home. So she is playing someone else as well, only I was in the way for his plans, and they remain in the dark.

Now, after stressing and worrying, and dying financially ( my credit is in death throes as we
speak) I have found a new place to call home. It is really going to be hard for me living alone, I have never in my adult life not had someone I was living with. The quiet is going to get to me, and the loneliness will as well. Leaving my furry kids will surely break my heart all over again.
But I am almost packed, and within the next 2 weeks I will no longer be sharing a house with someone who I will always think of as  the ultimate betrayer. Weirdly, I will miss him, I have been coming home to share evenings with him for 9 years now. We had some wonderful times together, and I thought I knew him better than anyone I have shared love with. But at his decision we are finished, and its time to go. I am so not sticking around to play mother who is in shock to their  sick  little party. My heart has been hurt enough I think for this life time.

I will keep you all up to date, if you are following this blog. It's going to be a hectic couple of weeks, and I will likely be without internet for a while. Have to see if I can afford cable, my budget is very tight.