into the light

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Busy Days

Yesterday the move, today and yesterday unpacking and finding a place for everything. Got my curtains up today.( otherwise it felt a bit like a fish bowl, with me the fishie)  The bookshelves need work again before I can use them. With each move they fall apart a little bit more. With Julie's help, I can now run the vacuum and watch a movie if I'd like to. I will likely not watch a lot at night..if I can hear them this well(neighbors), then I know they can hear me.

Will have to adapt to apartment living again., the hardest parts being the sounds of your neighbors, and walking to the laundry room. A few folks from work have asked about this location, might be more of us soon. Seems at least 3 immediate neighbors are also in the pay of the casino.

Gilly is very slowly adjusting..he keeps looking out the bedroom door as if waiting for Raz or Jasper to come in. For most of today he hid under my bedspread. I am sure my sleep tonight will be like last night..Gilly nudging me as if saying " AHEM?! Excuse needs attention..where is everyone?"  I felt so bad for him yesterday, he was placed in the bathroom to keep him from running out..and once the door was open again, he did not move all day..hid next to the sink and tub with his head tucked down, like he was in the corner.  And the look over his shoulder..eyes that were asking.."what did I do?"  He had a routine at the house..sleep day,.eat, go outside, hang with his brothers and that routine has changed, and I wonder if he will get used to it.

Not a lot of plans for tomorrow. I think the plant that makes silverware holders is on strike. Walmart did not have them, and according to the lady with the scanner, they were out of stock at the factory. I will have to search further afield. Might hang some pictures. It takes me like 30 minutes to clean this different than what I was used to. Plus a ton of kitchen cabinets have saved my tail..whew.  No other plans, might do laundry..then it's back to work Friday.

Nothing else pertinent to mention..I did have a long talk with My Dad which was nice. Julie was a huge help both yesterday and today. It will be nice to hang out and not have to be settling in.
I promise next blog will be of something more interesting, this has just been what I have been up to since the move.  Had my internet turned on the day I moved in, which was cool. ( the cable guy even tightened some screws on the trusty new My cheapo dollar store screwdriver leaves a lot to be desired, I swear as I repeat " left is loosey, right is tight..lmao..ya gotta start somewhere.

And I have to pay tribute to a great group of friends..they moved me like lightening..the fastest move I have ever had. They laughed and joked..( especially when my drawer of unmentionables hit the floor of the truck and something made noise..I believe my new call sign at work will be  "Vvvrroomm." I laughed so damn hard..yes, it was embarrassing,  but they were not being mean..and we are all adults..and know what that noise was about. I sincerely wish them all a giant Thank you, and Melinda for helping me get that huge packing done. They made sad days happy..I will be forever grateful. I could not ask for finer friends, and I hope they know it.

Hugs..yack more later..