into the light

Monday, February 28, 2011

well, I tried

I tried to lay an olive branch and it was rejected. Not directly, but definitely rejected.
I fail to see why an offer of just friendship is some sort of threat. I have no desire to try and take back a person who so clearly sees no wrong in what he has done.( at the most I was an inconvenience to his chosen lifestyle.)  I know his flaws, and I still wanted to share a friendship, nothing more.   So why he thinks I want him back as a lover does not make sense. Every time I try to just be friends, he feels he must remind me he has a date to get to with his newest . I do not need to know his plans, his time schedule..etc. I do not worry when he is not here, I think I can figure it out.

Conversation, laughter..that was all I was offering. I am being treated like I was his soon to be ex-wife. I believe he projects the anger he feels towards her at me, instead of the true source of his ire, for it has slipped a few times, that insinuation. What have I done wrong that places me anywhere near her caliber of vindictiveness, or manipulation.? Because I cannot just disappear and make everything perfect for him? Perhaps he should remember who made this decision, I was not part of it. There is No *Poof*! Kelly has left the planet. I have roadblocks, the biggest issue being that my finances are destroyed at this point. I did not put myself in this position alone.  I am not Diann, I am not made that way, I don't play that way, and I resent being treated like I was her.

So, until he either figures out that I am not some enemy, or stops being immature about us  being capable of being friends, I will stop trying. I could care less at this point whether he sees someone else or not, that part of me is dead, and I will never want him back as a lover.  I just wanted to see a movie with a friend.  Maybe I should take one of my cats...I can count on them to not be cruel for cruelness sake.  Though I can not promise what would happen to a mouse if it happened to be in the theater.