into the light

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Day to myself

Not sure what exactly I will do..but it will be nice to not have my day affected by some comment, or emotion generated by being in the house with him. I know you all are move out. Well, easier said then done. Still have to pack, and still have the whole financial issue to deal with..failing credit, low pay, etc. So I will try to be productive today and tomorrow, do some looking at rentals, clear out a closet, maybe get my hands on some boxes.

Maybe I can kick out some poems that are written just for poetry's sake, and not for my emotional state. You know, I check the stats on here everyday, and I am curious who is reading my blog from the Middle East...and I don't mean the  U.S. Saying 'hi' to my mystery reader, if you are in the military I hope you are doing well, and my blog is not making you sad. I don't personally know anyone who is stationed over there, except for one cool guy from my work, who I hope to see working in our department someday. If it is you..take good care of yourself Dude.
We all send our love and wishes that you are doing o.k.

Blog more later.