into the light

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Calaban Let Loose..or the Siren was PWT

Double double, boil and bubble,
the cauldrons full, there will be trouble.
The spot rubbed out, well that was Me,
a death of a love, planned out by Thee.
But wait! Shhh..there's more to this story
a possible hero, (it might get gory!)
Plans within plans, she led you along
pulling strings, a puppet, you dance to her song.
Lorelei, Medusa, a siren that sings
Lies woven in song, woe to those she stings.
By her side, hidden, but always there,
Calaban, a monster, guarding her lair.
She bade you dismiss a lady of honor
then hides you behind a curtain, true dishonor.
Loose not the monster, who while away
misses the mischief the two alone do play.
For if he should stumble and glaze upon thee
there won't be a prayer , no mercy, no plea.
Her game, Player, will turn upon you;
there will be no respite, no haven, no rescue.
For once the Monster is set free,
A puddle. A mote. A piece, that was thee.
The siren sings, a song wrought with lust
capturing men weak and unjust.
Her net is cast for the next foolish man
who reaches for temptation and fallen, is damned.