into the light

Monday, January 31, 2011

A few random thoughts

~~I am amazed that men who do their
thinking with an organ that has no brain cells
can continue to believe that they make intelligent decisions.~~

~~Selfish people exist only for themselves, and they are strangely
surprised when life rewards them with nothing good.~~

~~People who blame God, or the lack of a God, for their
troubles, are afraid to accept responsibility for their own actions.~~

~~Strangers sit beside each other in their own homes with nothing
to say.~~

~~When tenderness is taken away,
When kind words are stolen,
When everyday togetherness is removed
from our lives...
Nothing can fill that void but pain..
at the loss of love.~~

~~Bless our furry friends
that give us hugs when we need them the most.
They do not judge, just give well needed solace.~~