into the light

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

And still

 Nothing of any revelance is being posted here, as can be  seen by the lengthy gaps between posts. Not even sure why you would be checking. Life boring and need some drama? I suggest you make your own drama and keep it to yourself.

 I'm finished with you ZZ top. Wear your Maga gear and clutch your preferred firearm. Tell the world how absolutely brilliant you are, while I say a little prayer in gratitude that I missed the transmutation into hillbilly. How far you fell and how fast it happened.

Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Go away creeper. Nothing new here. No shocking or derisive comments are being posted regarding you.

 I do my best to believe those wasted years never happened. You are not, and never was good enough to be part of my life. The waste part was you.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Oh look! She's writing again

 Just a note, an observation really. I rarely, and I mean rarely, wonder what the devil might be up to. So I quietly visit your page. Never to comment and start a war of painful words, but I sometimes get curious. Boy did I luck out. Not sure what you have transformed into but what the hell? How can someone who was so excited about Obama in 2009 become a blazing Trumper?

 I'm going to guess that it's your addiction to conspiracy theories.  And Don the Con fills that bill. Blinded by lies.  He's a criminal, a snake oil salesman and the biggest liar this country has ever seen. That you believe is mind blowing. I thought you had a bigger brain than that. 

Your hero is blatantly guilty of sedition and conspiracy to commit treason. How can anyone not see that. I knew back in 2016 that he wanted to be king. That he openly admires dictators. A Fascist through and through. I hope that he spends the rest of his life in prison where he belongs. Lies, you believe the lies.  So sad and unfortunate.

Glad you've found your happy. Sad that you still entangle yourself in conspiracy theories.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

It's been ages

Seems like years I guess that's because it has been years. Do I miss him at all? No. Does my head fume and stomach burn when he does occasionally float through my wandering thoughts? No. Time truly does heal all wounds if you wait long enough. We were never right for each other. The sex was pretty good but that was in comparison to the crappy sex I had before him.

An M.D. once told me that 98% of sex is between your ears, and it's true. If you are not attracted to, horny for, or just excited about your partner, then you will not experience pleasurable sex. So the guys who just point and hump away like you are a game of corn hole and he has to whack away, don't understand what a woman really needs.And if they never learn, they never will. He engaged my brain, and that did it for me. Dirty whispers work.  However dishonesty was a killer of those thoughts. If I cannot trust you, then I shut off. My trying to jump start my brain failed because he had already moved on with number 3, I just hated to realize that I had picked a loser and giving up was the right thing to do. 

I'm glad. I found peace within myself. I enjoy alone time. Good thing too since the Covid 19 virus has kind of forced alone time for all of us. I'm careful,  I mask when out in public, wash my hands when I return home. No hanging out with crowds. I have tested negative recently. I hope that everyone sees this as an opportunity to help, be kind to your fellow human beings by being respectful of their health too. Wearing a mask is not a punishment or an infringement of your rights. It's sharing the responsibility of protecting everyone's health, and moving towards the demise of the Covid virus.

I could not end this update without a little snark. I often picture this when I think of him. If makes me snort and laugh out loud. Since I am sure he no longer follows my blogs, (there is no drama to respond to) I feel ok with sharing this, Bahahaha!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

what if...

What if I had never accepted the invitation for coffee? What if I had closed that door before it opened?

Where would I be now? And who would I be?  Someone without the self doubt?

Someone who had no reason to vent her anger and hurt as seen on here?

Someone who did not regret loving the wrong person.

Someone who had not closed her heart forever to escape more pain.

Someone who did not care about a waste of 10 years of her life.

 I know that I would have been better off if I had decided 'No.'

And this blog would not have been created at all.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


** Well I guess I did write this. **I did not remember this .** I purged the last of the bitterness.** Flushed him down the drain.** Perhaps I forgot, lol, because I don't write here anymore..well almost. It does not belong on Simply, because that is my life after him.** Or it could be that I noted someone viewing this blog on my stats, read what they read and got pissed all over again..~snort~ Most likely.**


I finally realized, after all the drama, the heart ache, just how toxic you really are. when I almost killed myself over you leaving me, you came back..not for me, but what I could help you do.
I helped you move towards your dream of returning to your stomping grounds. Where you were young, where you felt the most alive.

You wanted an instant family which you found with the you could be just like your Dad, I paid for that. With my heart and my finances.

I think after 9 years together, that I was nothing but a means towards an end. You grew tired of me after just a few months. You figured that my credit could pay for a move forward.and you waited.
When you declared that we we through...and I attempted suicide...that should have been it. But I kept trying to keep us together. You decided that the money I had for a move was what you needed, so you said..Ok, I still love you. So we moved.

Less than 2 years later you decided that you needed to have a family like your Dads. So I was kicked out. Really Ron, how much of your life as not been in an assimilation of your Dads? Divorce the first. Dump the second, and find a third.

So yeah, you are the most toxic person I have ever encountered. You used me for what I could help you do, If I had half a brain at the time, I would have moved on and let you flounder on your own to find the future that you decided was yours. I would have been far better off bring heart broken the first time, instead of waiting for you to do it again.

So Toxic? Yes. Everything you achieve has been though someone else's pain.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Do Not follow links attached to certain words in this blog

Someone has created links on certain words of my work on all 3 blogs. Please do not follow them. I am working to fix this.
