into the light

Thursday, December 15, 2016


** Well I guess I did write this. **I did not remember this .** I purged the last of the bitterness.** Flushed him down the drain.** Perhaps I forgot, lol, because I don't write here anymore..well almost. It does not belong on Simply, because that is my life after him.** Or it could be that I noted someone viewing this blog on my stats, read what they read and got pissed all over again..~snort~ Most likely.**


I finally realized, after all the drama, the heart ache, just how toxic you really are. when I almost killed myself over you leaving me, you came back..not for me, but what I could help you do.
I helped you move towards your dream of returning to your stomping grounds. Where you were young, where you felt the most alive.

You wanted an instant family which you found with the you could be just like your Dad, I paid for that. With my heart and my finances.

I think after 9 years together, that I was nothing but a means towards an end. You grew tired of me after just a few months. You figured that my credit could pay for a move forward.and you waited.
When you declared that we we through...and I attempted suicide...that should have been it. But I kept trying to keep us together. You decided that the money I had for a move was what you needed, so you said..Ok, I still love you. So we moved.

Less than 2 years later you decided that you needed to have a family like your Dads. So I was kicked out. Really Ron, how much of your life as not been in an assimilation of your Dads? Divorce the first. Dump the second, and find a third.

So yeah, you are the most toxic person I have ever encountered. You used me for what I could help you do, If I had half a brain at the time, I would have moved on and let you flounder on your own to find the future that you decided was yours. I would have been far better off bring heart broken the first time, instead of waiting for you to do it again.

So Toxic? Yes. Everything you achieve has been though someone else's pain.