into the light

Friday, April 6, 2012


(saved as a draft Nov 2011..posted today because I felt like it-)
(By the way..I am not into vengeance..I was angry up till  Feb 2012.
Now? I figure it is up to God and Karma. I really don't care.
But..I did post this because it accurately expressed how I felt
at the time.)

I suspect that someone see if my anger will end.

It won't. The tears are long gone, but the anger
is here to stay. I do not forget, nor forgive.

"Let go." "Move on."
excellent advice, accept it is shared with me
by a low life that helped end the life I was living.
Scheming has a way of catching up to you.

Together..what a pair..yes indeed.
You just want to get going without
worrying what past actions might
might come back to bite you in the ass.

So this need to relax and let bygones be bygones?
Excuse me...

If I have any hope at all, it will all be focused
in believing that you two get some of what you
dealt me back. Yes..Pain.
I will wish it..will it..and dream it.
And wait to see it happen.

Nothing that was done to me once you two
met was fair.
I especially like the two hours on the phone you spent
on the day I had dental surgery. ( really--You are such a classy guy.)
And the birthday lie. And the taking a hike lie.
I know I must have missed some, I think they were dealt daily.
Then there was the burning of the lease, and the threat of changing the locks.
All by the way illegal. If I had decided to stay I would have stayed.
That is what the police are for.

Lies, upon lies..what a sturdy house built upon them.
I really don't get why she would not think that this might repeat itself...
after all, you are two for two. She is just another in the lineup.

All those times you told me over and over that you were a 'bad' man?
( and I realize now..yes..quite true.)
That was just preparation set up to excuse any actions that you were planning.
How convenient. Because now you think you are Mr Wonderful.
All spanking are still you. Oh dear.

So rot in hell?
I certainly hope both of you do.

Oh--Any posted virulent sputtering rebuttals will be summarily ignored.