into the light

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh yeah, you big phoney

Of course I get an email telling me that I should not mention the 'children." WTF? Read the last entry again. I stated quite clearly WHY I did not make a scene. Instead of adult understanding I get more made up BS from you.

I have never, nor do I plan to, nor will I ever have any ill effect on her 'children'. I HAVE NO CONTACT with them or the rest of her family. You are so into twisting crap you do not know what a straight line is. Is your knight in shining armor image fading? Do you have to make up a bad guy to make you look good? Because THAT is what I take from emails like that. Find another villain. This woman will not fill that role for you ever. You two are pathetic. You so need to have someone you can paint evil to show how 'good' you's the biggest load of crap you have ever spouted. Your actions will never be excused by making me out to be a bad person. Sorry, the rest of the world knows I am not. Better look for another way to paint yourself clean.

Don't bother commenting, as I have previously advised your remarks will not be published. The reason I wrote the last entry is because I know that you were informed that I was close by. You hit my blogs looking for a comment from me regarding my visit, and I simply told you WHY I did not start anything. Next time I am near by I won't even hint of it, you ass.