into the light

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not Love

Just in case anyone is worrying or is not unrequited love that stirs me
to is Anger..and all the trimmings. Anger over the way I was treated by someone who supposedly loved me. Any love I had was murdered long ago. The anger has not dissipated as I thought it might. When it will leave is anyone's guess, but it will not leave at someone else's request or demand. That just feeds it and sustains it's current status. Unfortunately I do not forgive and forget that easily, especially over something like this.

Unfaithful men? You can have them. They always repeat the process. I am so waiting for your turn, and it will come. As you have both perfected infidelity it will be a neck and neck race to see who cheats first. Early days seat however is reserved. Will it be someone from work? Or someone from online contact? The bets are still coming, 5-1 for work right now.
