into the light

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Think a little, and read more

In response to a comment posted on Innocents:

Only my friends call me Kel.

NOTHING specific on your location was ever posted here, it was very vague, and gave No details that anyone could use. It was bad judgement on my part to try and show you that I had it, and did not use it, and you are both over reacting...big time. All of it was quickly removed. No state, no zip code, no city had been included. Secondly, I posted a retraction in the Amendment entry. Nothing further has been posted in regards to what I know in relation to where you live.

Not once, in 9 years of being cheated on, did I ever extract revenge for being wronged.
I have never harmed anyone to get even in my life. If I am thought of that way, perhaps it is the person reading it that "would" extract revenge if they were in my situation, and they place their view of it on me.

If you two live in fear of being caught and it effecting the children you had with someone else, then it won't be because of me. I have No knowledge of your circle of friends or family, and I seriously doubt they know me, and have knowledge of my blogs existence. What am I? Some superstar blogger? Get real. I know I am not. can you really think that I know anyone related to or known by you except Ron? And how can someone who claims to be uber intelligent as he believes himself to be, truly believe that what was posted was dangerous? None of it could have been used by anyone to find you. I've worked places where data searches, looking for addresses and tags, was part of my job. If that information had been given to me it could not have been used. What would I do? Send out tag traces for all 50 states? Look up a street in every town in the entire country? Do you have any concept how long that would take?? Really.

Realize these two things: He is playing Big strong man for you, and also painting me as black and evil as he full of shit. Check in with my family, friends and co-workers..anyone in my circle, and not one of them would think for a minute that I am that person. For that matter, ask my ex-husband. Tell the story to a complete stranger, don't leave out the parts done by you all, and the answer would come back the same. He is trying to turn his guilt around, and the only way to do that is too attempt to make me look bad, and he some hero. It's a good thing my friends know me better. Take time for a minute and ask yourself if I was that bad, then why did he profess to love me forever for the time we were together? Do you think he would have done that if I was that person?

And lastly, it is prefaced on the top of my blog page that this "MY" place to vent, and it works well for me. It has stopped me from taking my problems with me to work, and with my friends outside of the blog. It is a healthy way to heal. I suggest to both of you to stop reading it if it bothers you so much that I 'cannot' move on. This is my life, it was affected by actions that you two took together. Until you can say that you have lived 9 years with R and he treated you like an enemy at the end, he has cheated on you, and you have a gigantic debt that you two created together, then you have no room to tell me to stop being upset and angry.

I hate to break it to you two, but I am not miserable anymore that he is no longer part of my life. What I am upset over is what happened to my finances living as a couple with him, and his apparent belief that he is no way responsible for my current circumstance. How convenient for him.

I like living alone. I have no mess except that which either Gilly or I created. There is no one that is in a mood and makes me feel bad for just being here. I no longer have the stress of worrying that he will cheat on me, obviously he has, and won't any longer. When you see the word "lov-ed" it is past tense..a giant DUH for you. Only in my early blogs did I say I still loved him. It takes time to get over a relationship that was almost 10 years in length, no time frame that can be applied, everyone is different. That he is capable of turning on and off love like a light switch, should give you cause to worry. If he can do that to me, why would you think it could not be done to you? Would you still love someone who dumped you for another woman and essentially took away your life? Again..really.

I am getting there, and will in my own time move on. It is not up to the girl who took my life to tell me how to feel..ever. " DaddysLil.." (after filling in the rest it is Daddy's Lil Baby". There is something essentially wrong with a man and a woman referring to themselves as Daddy and his little girl. You really are his child, ( the age difference shows that clearly) and he will mold you into who he wants you to be. He is going to run circles around you, pretty much do what he wants, and you will never be the wiser. Have fun with that, losing yourself. He is so NOT worth it, and that you will find out for yourself. At the most you will get a few years and will wish it had been less later. He will get 'Bored" with you long before that time, it is his pattern. You were and are an instrument of revenge, a way to get even for a slight, his hurt feelings, and his mid-life crisis. It is why he started the affair, and why it will ultimately fail. If he tells you otherwise it would be a lie. It is all a game to him. The search, the hunt, the capture. A cat playing with a mouse.

PS: a cat can have kittens..anyone with a working uterus and ovaries can get pregnant. This is not something that makes a woman special, it was how we were created. Just because I was unable, does not make me unfit to have been a mother, and many was the time that R said it was unfair that I could not have been. In the same sense, just because you can have children does not mean necessarily that you would be a great mom. I am not saying that you are not a good mother...I don't know you. But, were you truly thinking of your children's well being when you started an affair with someone else's fiancée? Have you straightened out your own personal life? I don't think so. You just took over someone else's.

It is obvious that both R and you still use nicknames to cover your identity. You are still hiding. Fix your own life before telling someone else to fix theirs.