into the light

Saturday, June 18, 2011

If Today was your Last Day

I am writing here, and not on "simply" because I will be writing about my past. Simply is meant for my present and my future.

I just watched a video by Eric, justsayno2hate, one of the talented You Tube creators that I have followed for quite some time. I love his work, the videos he creates with a beautiful and meaningful soundtrack always leave me with a profound sense of appreciation, whatever his topic might be.
Todays video was one I put off watching because of my own memories, Nickelback's , If Today was your Last day. Why put if off? Because for the 2 months following Ron's decision to break us apart, he played this song quite frequently. I basically forced myself to watch it, afraid it would just crack open old wounds. And do you know what? He was wrong.

His interpretation of the song was that he should throw away and start over. That is not what the song was about. ( to me) It was about living your life to your fullest, and did not mention one time in the lyrics to trash your past, in fact it mentioned to revisit old friends, leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. It never said get to get rid of anything. Living life to your fullest means enjoying life, being happy with who you are, growing. The only person who stops that process is yourself, you cannot blame that on another person, or expect someone else to bring you that.

I still am not crazy about the song, because it became his anthem, a banner he could wave as to why he dumped me. But I feel that my own interpretation of the lyrics is closer to the truth. For him it was a sung message to start over.. ..for me: Giving of yourself, reaching new heights, appreciating your past, living life to the fullest...none of those things require a new lover. And it could just as well be a message that works for me. I do not need a man to appreciate life.
I do not need anyone to be able to give. And living life to my fullest is fully dependent on me. Do I appreciate my past? Yes, every year, every person, every feeling, made me who I am today.
Do it wish that some of it had not hurt so incredibly bad? Hell yes. But I did not do it to myself, and there are better memories through out my life that can override the message he shared with me. That message was: You cannot make me happy, I need someone else that can.
Know what? That person cannot either. The only person who can do that is You.

Go back and listen again, and try not to listen from your own personal perspective. It does say a chance at love..but know what? You had that too, twice before. Grow from within, and not with someone else's help. No other person can fix you. You will keep on searching, forever.
Is life so very different now? You have the same challenges, and other complications to boot. You are still you, she cannot change that.

And I agree with the message delivered. Live life to the fullest. It is all a matter of perspective. My challenges force me to do the best I can to survive. If I travel through my days enjoying moments spent with friends and coworkers, I am fully living. I don't have to climb Mt Everest, or start a million dollar company, win a Pulitzer prize, or place myself on a record book to do this. I am committed to living the best life I can, and not just ghosting through each day.
That God gave me another day to live, means it's my job to make it the best day I can, and not expect someone else to make it so for me.

eric's video link