into the light

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh So! Very damned bored now.

I am for bed just because..
it's too quiet, and  the computer
is not helping like it used to.
Work comes as a relief.,
something to do, people to see.

Someone to talk to other than a convenience store
I'm going stir crazy..yeppers..I am.
Even Gilly is bored.
This is going to be a great spring/summer..ha!
Julie did point out a pool, but she was showing me a
short cut/back way, and damned if I can remember where
it was.
Missing my damned garden too.
Everything is a damned something tonight..especially
the damned one who put me here. (you know who you are-damn you)
So, taking my damned bored self to bed.
Goodnight all.
Damn it.