into the light

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A few good Men

I am going to shock some of my readers, so prepare yourself. There actually are a few good men out there that do not think with their penis. *gasp!* Lol..yes there are, I am actually friends with a few of them. They set themselves apart by using their bigger brain on a frequent basis, and I really enjoy their sense of humor, the topics of discussion we share, and especially their loyal relationship to the women in their lives.

Do they have a perfect relationship with their partner? I have also heard the arguments (one sided phone eaves dropping) that they share. Does this make them dissatisfied? No again. It's normal to not always see eye to eye. It is also normal to disagree or get irritated with your partner, after all, you are not the same person, you will not always agree.  Do they feel that they have been cheated? I have never heard them say so, nor do they act like they are unhappy.

Adults, and I do not mean in age, but in behavior, understand that a partnership born of love takes work.  Nothing worth keeping is ever easy. Hence my belief that Love would cure all with my own mistake.  I thought if I just kept trying that it would all work out. My error was in thinking he thought with the big brain, and not the little one. It completely dominates his life. He may mistakenly believe that his big brain is in charge, but that little fellow snags more control than he will ever admit to.

So yes, there are good men out there, I will continue to meet them, and hopefully be friends, because they are so much fun to talk to. I share no true hope that I will meet one unattached, simply because they are so rare that the lucky ladies snag them up as quickly as they find them.
It does not matter, the journey to discovery is half the fun.  And I truly do appreciate my friends, male and female. They are a blessing, and I thank God for them every day.