into the light

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Blurbs

one bite and it's gone,
no substance, not remembered or savored.
Hence it takes many Tarts,or pieces, to have a substantial fullness,
and it never leaves you satisfied.~

~I am so tired of love songs.
I spew a litany of whispered curse words
and visibly cringe at the knives made of music.
Don't they write songs about anything other than
love, lust, or breaking up?
They attack me at work, stores, home..
all wailing , whining, and gushing a
bunch of bullshit punctuated with a G clef.~

~ I am so angry with you..
YOU have taken away warmth, companionship, smiles..
all the things that made my life worthwhile.
YOU have replaced what was good with a coldness that rivals
Winter's most bitter days.
All for some fruitless fantasies...women who are cartoons,
drawn with dimensional,
forgotten in 5 substance, not real.
ME...I am real, I have substance and purpose.
(Maybe I should become a one dimensional shallow image of life-NO)
Sadly...I am STILL your singular LACK of humanity and vision.
I expected so much more than this from the man I came to know over 9 years.
YOU are not the person YOU would like the world to believe YOU are.
Falseness...and acting through life.
YOU are capable of much better than THIS.
Wake the Hell Up.