into the light

Thursday, February 3, 2011

as my mother and grandmother might have said

***A little humor to break up the Melodrama***
Set scene, front porch of a home in the south, 2 older ladies in rocking chairs.

I just have to tell you about my poor daughter. Did you know she devoted 9 years to a man and then was put out like so much refuse?"

"My Dear, It was to Her great misfortune that she fell in love with a man of low moral character, a scalawag, a carpet Bagger."

" Poor thing, she spent years trying to be what the man wanted, and could never succeed. "

" You could see he had no desire to change. And then he blamed her for her mistrust after countless encounters with lewd women."

" Yes indeed, if she had trusted the man who lied to her, then he never would have cheated." "Never mind that he was doing it anyway."

" Lord's sake...he nearly drove her to do something desperately stupid."

" Well you know, what goes around comes around I always say."

" It is with deepest regret I must tell you, he came to a bad end."

" really? Well could have seen that coming."

" The Lord moves in mysterious ways..Lordy..yes he does."

The End.
Moral of the story:
Scoundrels always lose. Bad men do not win.