into the light

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Saga of Instant Gratification

It is a short saga.
Very short.
We have all had something that we have really wanted in life.
We hated to wait for it, and wished it would happen right now.
Currently, I have the same feeling..wish it would happen right now, I really do.
But reality and adulthood means you sometimes have to wait
until the time is right, OR- the work that needed to be done first is complete.
As adults we know this. not have adult reasoning,
if they want something, they see no reason to wait,
they want it right now.
Waiting, or Reasoning why is not yet an accomplished part
of their mind set.
As an adult, have you ever had to try and reason with a two year old?
It is not possible, even if you talk till you are blue in the face.
Black and shades of gray..yes or no.
As they grow older, you can expect them to understand more of the whys.
(Three to five year olds..with the why,what..questions, are in development)
You expect more from an adult.
Wait till after the work is accomplished,
you will be good time.
There is no black or white, yes or no answer.
Sorry to have to explain that.
In time you will get what you want.
Please be patient.